Thursday, April 09, 2020

Jesus Loves Me—So Much

A new poem to the tune of “Jesus Loves Me”—a celebration of what He has done for me:

Jesus Loves Me —So Much 

c Barb Irwin
April 7, 2020

Jesus loves me, this I know; He lived and died to tell me so.
As I received, He took my sin; I was re-made, born again.

Chorus: Yes, Jesus loves me, yes Jesus loves me, 
Yes, Jesus loves me, the Bible tells me so.

I was in Him when He died. Made new, now I don’t have to hide.
Since He was raised from death and grave, in Him I’m completely saved. Chorus.

Now I live life from above with Jesus in unending love.
I learn to walk in His shoes; sin habits now I learn to lose. Chorus.

As I walk close to His heart, my mind is new, never dark.
Changing daily, now I find, my life is His, I have His mind. Chorus.

He lives through me, I have a place; I joy in mercy and in grace. 
I now love as He loves me; this life of God has set me free. Chorus.

I love Jesus, yes I do. He will always guide me through 
Waters deep and rivers wide; in Him I will always hide. Chorus.

When at last I see Your face, marvel at unending grace,
You’ll have brought me safely home, and I will bow before Your throne.

Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Chaos, Changes and Renovation

I got this poem 30 years ago last Sunday, and it fits again now. May it be an encouragement. God is changing many things through the chaos in this season!

by Barb Irwin
c April 5, 1990

I hear foundations all around
Cracking, some crumbling to the ground.
God’s church is shaking—let it shake!
Through the pressure self-will shall break.

Self-made walls, illusions shatter,
Pretensions fall with a clatter.
God’s allowing our flesh to fail,
Man’s might and power to derail.

Satan’s strongholds are being revealed;
No dark secrets will stay concealed.
The Husbandman plows fallow ground,
Uncovering all that can be found.

No place to hide but in the Truth;
Foundations quake built from our youth.
All that’s of man will be no more—
Life won’t be like it was before.

These old wine skins can’t hold new wine,
But those God’s making will be fine.
Be patient while the work gets done,
And you will see the victory won.