Saturday, April 28, 2018

A Heart Cry

As I consider some issues before my Lord lately, one thing I’m seeking Him on is how to help keep an elderly shy, private person engaged in life. Her interests have always run towards unusual things in today’s world, such as prayer and teaching the Bible. She has never been good at small talk, but she’s been very gifted at discipling others. Today, others are trying to get her to be more social through crafts, eating in a public dining room and such. She hates it! She is the type of person who has always had few but very committed friends, friends who seek what she seeks and are even now committed to her in this season of trial.

Thinking about all this, there go I, unless God opens me out more well before then. I’m a reader/student who also loves prayer, the Bible, discipling and much quiet. In the quiet, my heart expands. Around people too often, my heart seems to shrink. So today in trying to help someone else with God’s wisdom, I’m also trying to help myself.

I know we were all created as individuals with specific inclinations and purposes from before the foundation of the world by a loving God. But I also know the enemy has tried to cause us to be much less, and closed off to as many of God’s purposes as he can. If I don’t seek my Lord now, life will only close in on me as I age.

Dear Father, in Jesus’ name, by the power of Your Holy Spirit will you please open me up to what You want for my life so I’m not limiting You or Your influence in the world through me? I want to love and walk with others in ways You want me to, ways that glorify You, bring others to You, and leave me open to life till the day I’m to go be with You whom my soul loves. Thank You so much for hearing and answering.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

GOOD News!

I’ve been thinking lately about news and what the good news of God’s kingdom does for me. First, though, I have to hear and receive it. I have the news of salvation through my Lord for the future and for now. Once I receive that, I have the good news that my Lord loves ME and wants to help me live each day to the fullest by working in, through and for me. Both those pieces of His news give me hope, but receiving is a daily proposition.

There is another piece of good news that is reawakening in my heart recently. The body of Christ for the most part lost sight of it for many years, or else has held onto it in a religious way that hasn’t brought us the life we were meant to have from it. That, according to John Eldredge, is the good news that God says He is making all things new.

Without getting into the theology of timing, etc., that promise is in the Bible, and it is for now. What it means is there is nothing that is good in this world that we won’t see again and enjoy in its best form. When all looks dark and dreary, I’m beginning to look at that promise of my Lord and say, “Because of what God tells me, no loss of something good is gone forever. It’s a temporary loss I can endure here and now, because it will be restored to me in a greater way than ever before.” I will live to see this good on the earth God made for me to rule and reign over when He first thought of creating people. 

Because of this promise, I receive the energy to fight and war to see as much of His kingdom now on earth as I can, knowing that my Father is keeping track and keeping score and will bring that promise to fruition in its proper time. If you want to have this hope deeply implanted, I encourage you to ingest (not just read) John Eldredge’s new book, All Things New. Looking for wonderful days to come...

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

New Levels, New Victories...

I wanted to call this “New Levels, New Battles”, but that’s not how my Lord sees it. It seems the last year and 3/4 has been full of trials. In August 2016, my ex-husband’s father went home to Jesus, followed in February 2017 by my ex-husband, followed last August by my ex’s stepmom. Both  of my sons’ grandparents went home with sweet spirits and hurting bodies. My ex went home with colon cancer, but with love for our guys and for his Lord. There was a breathing spot for about two months. God is good to give us what we need when we need it. Thank You, Jesus!

At the end of October 2017, we began another trial, this time with my mom. She fell, ended up in the hospital, and was in rehab for about a month, even though she didn’t hurt herself much. Her balance was bad, and she had to learn to walk better. On the first of December she came back home with 24/7 nursing care which we weaned her off over the next month. She was back using her walker, but things weren’t going well living alone at 91 1/2 years of age. We started looking around and found a good assisted living place that she liked down near my sis and her husband. Things worked out and she moved in on Friday, February 23, 2018. She has lived alone for over 30 years, though, so this was an adjustment. But declining abilities have followed her.

Mom has fallen 3 times since her move, and is still being stabilized. This is causing all sorts of family upheaval, and the Lord is really working on all of our hearts. We are in process, but I sense victory ahead.

The Lord has shown me blogs to read that are shedding light on where we are now, and I’ve really been praying about how to deal with things. I have many prayer partners, friends of mom’s, friends of mine and family, and that puts us in a good place... More to come...